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One of the methods available to gamers enabling us to personalise our parks is to place branded CSO’s or to use billboards with images of our choice. Often it is due to the images we place on the billboards that sets them beautifully into their surroundings and enhances everything else that’s going on in our park.

Occasionally we may find that billboards or branded CSO’s give that something extra to the screenshots in which we may include them. More often than not a screenshot without a billboard and without any branding stands as an excellent image.

I’ve observed that there are times I’ve taken a screenshot and thought it would look great in Architectural Digest, Town & Country, or Family Circle. While putting thoughts into images for this website I find that sometimes it’s necessary to take an RCT3 related idea and illustrate it in an image without the use of words.

I’ve collected some great ‘advertisements,’ some imaginative uses for billboards, some examples of specific branding, and a couple of illustrations demonstrating thoughts which I display here in this article for your enjoyment.


This is the first RCT3 advertisement I created. It was one day while experimenting with newly downloaded CSO’s that I built this bridge in a park that was nothing but ocean. After creating the bridge I had put MagLev on top of it and was then inspired to make the screenshot into a simple advertisement poster.

Image 01, My Projects - Advertisement Land - Branding & Billboards, Page 1

Now that I’m creating my own custom content here is a similar image, now made into a half page magazine ad. It is essentially the same image updated with my own CSO’s,TexMod ReTextures, and additional text.

Image 02, My Projects - Advertisement Land - Branding & Billboards, Page 1

Weber’s MagLev is a natural for screenshots. Recently I decided to take one step further the closing image for’s Winter 2018 Showcase! and spend a few minutes giving it a simple treatment converting it into another advertisement.

Image 03, My Projects - Advertisement Land - Branding & Billboards, Page 1


Here's a poster I created recently to advertise my park, Vanguard West.

Image 04, My Projects - Advertisement Land - Branding & Billboards, Page 1

This landscape orientated illustration is the sort of poster one might see along the platform while in the subway.


Bus stop ads in sheltered bus stops are usually in a portrait orientation and placed at one end of the structure. I had some fun imagining how I might advertise the Park Inspector’s demise in such a location.

Image 05, My Projects - Advertisement Land - Branding & Billboards, Page 1


I recalled that while earning my Graphic Design qualification we had an exercise to complete in which we needed to design a website home page and an inner page for the same website. Because Vanguard West park required a lot of thought and planning I did find myself at times wondering if this was a real park in real life who I’d turn to for help in getting my park up and running, and how I might find them. I designed this website home page and inner page for a fictitious park services company. Following is the home page.

Image 06, My Projects - Advertisement Land - Branding & Billboards, Page 1

During my coursework the inner page that I produced was a little different from the home page. The following example inner page is almost exactly like the home page. Of course, site visitors clicking on any of the links at the left would find interior pages displaying an entirely different layout. These introductory example pages indicate a quality company with an old-school management style who are well represented by the fresh, clean appearance of this elegant website. The look of the website also further suggests the company is modern, efficient and organized. The fonts indicate a company that’s traditional & classic. Here is what one of the interior pages down one level from the home page in the site hierarchy would look like.

Image 07, My Projects - Advertisement Land - Branding & Billboards, Page 1

Among other things, the coursework required that we use several different fonts and we needed to explain our choices. There are five fonts in this project which work well together because they all have similar characteristics.


I created this advertisement for Conexxion Forums. The flight upgrades referred to in the image are an interesting way to point out to our members how many posts are required to move on to the next forum post count group.

Image 08, My Projects - Advertisement Land - Branding & Billboards, Page 1


I’m especially pleased with this Pool Shops Plaza area in one of my older parks, Outback Safari. Available here are designer sun glasses, designer swim suits, high street sun ‘n’ skin care, and quality inflatables. There are billboard televisions behind the staff which advertise the merchandise on offer and also display the designers’ fashion shows. The merchandise is stacked on the counters in billboard packaging and the counters have billboards inside them that suggest there is merchandise under the glass.

Image 09, My Projects - Advertisement Land - Branding & Billboards, Page 1

Here is an advertisement that might have appeared to get our guests to make a booking at Outback Safari:

Image 10, My Projects - Advertisement Land - Branding & Billboards, Page 1

This could be a half page magazine ad or a poster along a subway platform. With the text placed to one side like this it could also be a two page newspaper or magazine spread.


I’ve created café drinks dispenser CSO’s that were inspired by the Coca Cola dispenser that comes in Vodhin’s Log Cabin Goodies. Shown here is my sodas dispenser branded with Pepsi Cola imagery. This dispenser is directly modeled on Vodhin’s Coca Cola machine.

Image 11, My Projects - Advertisement Land - Branding & Billboards, Page 1

Although Vodhin used Coca Cola branding imagery on his soda machine I prefer the taste of Pepsi so I’ve chosen to use Pepsi graphics. To see the juices dispenser and the hot drinks dispenser have a look here on our website. Although I’ve used real-life drinks logos for the flavour selections on each dispenser I was not concerned which decade of each company's history was represented by each image so I've chosen logos that I remember from years gone by or that I simply like the look of, and have made no effort to use only logos that are current.

Image 11, My Projects - Advertisement Land - Branding & Billboards, Page 1

At the right in the following image these drinks dispensers are displayed in their café setting.

Image 12, My Projects - Advertisement Land - Branding & Billboards, Page 1

The hot drinks dispenser can be partially observed there behind the chilled juices dispenser.