RCT3 Keyboard & Mouse Controls



Mouse Controls 0

right mouse click (hold) + move mouse left

strafe camera and rotate terrain clockwise

right mouse click (hold) + move mouse right

strafe camera and rotate terrain counter-clockwise

right mouse click (hold) + left mouse click (hold) + move mouse

move camera in any direction to match mouse movement

mouse wheel (hold) + move mouse forward

rotate terrain and tilt landscape by lowering horizon to include view of sky

mouse wheel (hold) + move mouse backward

rotate terrain and tilt landscape by raising horizon providing bird’s eye view

mouse wheel forward

tilt landscape by raising horizon providing bird’s eye view

mouse wheel backward

tilt landscape by lowering horizon to include view of sky

Mouse Controls 1

right mouse click (hold) + move mouse

move camera in any direction to match mouse movement

right mouse click (hold) + left mouse click (hold) + move mouse forward

rotate terrain and tilt landscape by raising horizon providing bird’s eye view

right mouse click (hold) + left mouse click (hold) + move mouse backward

rotate terrain and tilt landscape by lowering horizon to include view of sky

mouse wheel (hold) + move mouse forward

rotate terrain and tilt landscape by raising horizon providing bird’s eye view

mouse wheel (hold) + move mouse backward

rotate terrain and tilt landscape by lowering horizon to include view of sky

mouse wheel forward

strafe camera in towards terrain

mouse wheel backward

strafe camera out away from terrain

Mouse Controls 2

right mouse click (hold) + move mouse forward

rotate terrain and tilt landscape by lowering horizon to include view of sky

right mouse click (hold) + move mouse backward

rotate terrain and tilt landscape by raising horizon providing bird’s eye view

right mouse click (hold) + left mouse click (hold)

move camera in any direction to match mouse movement

mouse wheel (hold) + move mouse forward

rotate terrain and tilt landscape by lowering horizon to include view of sky

mouse wheel (hold) + move mouse backward

rotate terrain and tilt landscape by raising horizon providing bird’s eye view

mouse wheel forward

strafe camera in towards terrain

mouse wheel backward

strafe camera out away from terrain

Mouse Controls 0, 1, and 2


left click anywhere on Maps interface

navigate to the location in park where you clicked on the map


double left click anywhere on the terrain inside or outside the park map

the view will center on the area where you just clicked


double left click on animated preview in ride’s Control Panel

start CoasterCam™


after selecting the guest from Guests list, double left click on the animated image of guest in his individual Control Panel

move to location of guest (also works for staff)

Deletions on the Fly

while placing scenery, paths, rides & attractions, right click on any other item

the other item will delete, or you'll get a message asking if you wish to delete that item

Keyboard Input



toggle CoasterCam™ on/off

CTRL+C then B

cycle CoasterCam™ types

CTRL+C then N

jump to next car

CTRL+C then M

jump to previous car


jump to next ride (will jump through each car on the last ride encountered)


jump to previous ride (will jump through each car on the last ride encountered)

Standard Cam


pan left


pan right


pan forward


pan backward


rotate terrain counter-clockwise


rotate terrain clockwise


zoom in towards terrain


zoom out away from terrain


tilt landscape by raising horizon providing bird’s eye view


tilt landscape by lowering horizon to include view of sky


reset camera

Scenery Placement

Z (while placing a scenery item that does not snap to terrain tile edges)

rotate object 90° clockwise

SHIFT + move mouse (while placing an object)

raises and lowers the elevation of the object

CTRL (while placing an object)

places the current object at the same level as the previously placed object

ALT (while placing anything but vegetation)

cuts the land in 1m increments to place object and leaves terrain tile edges exposed

ALT + CTRL (while placing anything but vegetation)

cuts the land in 1m increments to place object and removes exposed terrain tile edges


toggles night time cursor light on/off

Interface Commands


toggle pause/resume


closes the most recently opened interface window


capture a screenshot (file saved as BMP to My Pictures directory)


begin capturing a video – to stop video capture repeat SHIFT+CTRL+F11 (file saved as AVI to My Videos directory)


exit what’s currently displayed in RCT3

Special Features of This Camera View

three different sets of Mouse Controls available

camera can be set to ignore scenery and focus on terrain while moving

adjustment may be made so camera movement is based on center of screen instead of based on mouse location