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Inspired by Max-Egypt set I’ve created my own version of Anubis.

My Projects - CSO's I Have Imported, Landscaping and Park Grounds - Anubis On Pool Complex Decking Near Showers, Image 07

Anubis comes in one size. I’ve made versions raised for pool decking and there are versions for placement directly on the terrain about the park grounds. They come in a standard placement and in two diagonal placements.

My Projects - CSO's I Have Imported, Landscaping and Park Grounds - Anubis On Pool Decking At Entrance of Pool Complex Body Slide, Image 08

Anubis is made of highly polished stone and comes with specular gold accents. He comes with his own base and there is also a matching plinth that can be placed separately.

My Projects - CSO's I Have Imported, Landscaping and Park Grounds - Anubis Viewed From Path Near Pool Changing Rooms/Pool Amenities Building, Image 09


The pool changing rooms/pool amenities building for our pool has always had on top of it the Quadriga from eeZee’s Brandenburg Gate set. I used to have the in-game Atlantis pan fire on either side of that, something that always struck me as overdone but I really like the Atlantis pan fire particle effect so there they stayed.  Now I know how to make CS, instead of pans, the oil now burns in decorative urn-like containers which I made. I’ve also made a base especially for the Quadriga.

The oil burners, their bases, and the Quadriga base are made of composite stone with veined marble inlays. The Quadriga base and oil burners are coordinated to match. The interiors of the oil burners are insulated so as to protect the urn from the heat of the oil pan liner.

My Projects - CSO's I Have Imported, Landscaping and Park Grounds - Screenshot of Quadriga and Flaming Urns Atop Pool Changing Rooms/Pool Amenities Building, Close-Up, Image 10

My Projects - CSO's I Have Imported, Landscaping and Park Grounds - Screenshot of Quadriga and Flaming Urns Atop Pool Changing Rooms/Pool Amenities Building, Distant View Including More Of Park Surroundings, Image 11

Now I can have the Atlantis pan fire particle effect in my park without having the Atlantis pan fire.


In response to my needs for a classic surround for the Volo daVinci station above pool complex I built these arches.

My Projects - CSO's I Have Imported, Landscaping and Park Grounds - Arched Surround at Volo daVinci Station Above Pool Complex, Image 12

Volo daVinci is an Italian Renaissance-themed track and I believe my arched station surround is similarly themed.


When decorating my presentation park I considered using a Neptune statue near my Marlin Fantasy Slide. It was the first time in ages I had considered using this statue and it reminded me I'd wanted to make a plinth for it at one time.

My Projects - CSO's I Have Imported, Landscaping and Park Grounds - View Looking Upwards at Sky From Behind Neptune Statue Near Marlin Fantasy Slide, Image 13

With the help of TexMod I've been able to put the same texture on the plinth as there is on the statue.