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Copyright © All Rights Reserved | Built by Serif Templates
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PeopleLOD [detail level value 0.0- [draw distance value 0.0- |
Set the LOD options for people. |
► |
PoolEditorDrawGrid |
Enable or disable showing the light- |
► |
PoolPathEditorGUIMode |
Enable or disable showing the pool path editing icons while editing pool paths. |
► |
ReflectAnimals |
Water will reflect animals (ReflectEnable must already be flagged at 1). |
► |
ReflectBackground |
Water will reflect background (ReflectEnable must already be flagged at 1). |
► |
ReflectEnable |
Reflections of our park will appear in water bodies (ReflectEnable must already be flagged at 1). |
► |
ReflectInMultipleSurfaces |
At the default flag value, 0, only a single water surface is reflective. With this option flagged at 1 every water surface in the park at all terrain heights will be reflective (ReflectEnable must already be flagged at 1). At the default flag value our computer platform, configuration, and RCT3 installation will determine if the highest water level or the lowest water level appears reflective. |
► |
ReflectParticles |
Water will reflect particles (ReflectEnable must already be flagged at 1). |
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ReflectPeople |
Water will reflect people (ReflectEnable must already be flagged at 1). |
► |
ReflectScenery |
Water will reflect scenery (ReflectEnable must already be flagged at 1). |
► |
ReflectTerrain |
Water will reflect terrain (ReflectEnable must already be flagged at 1). |
► |
Refraction |
Certain areas of water bodies will display a refractive effect, bending rays of light that pass through them. |
► |
Resolution [x value y value] x=width, y=height |
Set the screen resolution in which our game displays, e.g., if our screen resolution is 1440 x 900: x = 1440 & y = 900 so enter: Resolution 1440 900. Selected resolution must already be listed in options or must be our actual screen resolution. Failing that the game engine will either choose the nearest resolution listed in the game's GUI, or display the black screen of death. |
► |
RidesLOD [detail level value 0.0- [draw distance value 0.0- |
Set the LOD options for rides. |
► |
RidesDontBreakDown |
Similar to the Frontier cheat, items in our park requiring mechanics' maintenance will have increased reliability and will go a very long time before they break down. However, when they do break down mechanics will continue to inspect the ride without fixing it. Our computer platform, configuration, and RCT3 installation will determine if we may manually assign a mechanic to fix the ride, or if the ride needs to be deleted and replaced. |
► |
SceneryLOD [detail level value 0.0- [draw distance value 0.0- |
Set the LOD options for scenery. |
► |
SceneryVisibilityAlpha |
► |
ScreenGFDriver [0 for GF2, 1 for GF4] |
Increase the compatibility of the game with the installed Nvidia GeForce card. |
► |
ScreenPixelFormat [0 for A8R8G8B8, 1 for R5G6B5, 2 for X8R8G8B8] |
Set the pixel format in which the game displays. |
► |
Shadows |
Enable or disable shadows. |
► |
ShadowsType [0 = None, 1 = Static, 2 = Dynamic] |
Select the shadow type desired. (To flag 1 or 2, Shadows must already be flagged at 1). |
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ShowPersonStateToConsoleButton |
► |
ShowSkirtTrees |
In flagging language a skirt tree is a 2D tree so setting this flag with a value of 1 will disable 3D trees. Space- |
► |
ShowTrackSectionSymbolNames |
Shows internal track piece names (track section/TKS names) in the track editor. |
► |
SkipBannerSequence |
Skips the introductory movie along with the banners that display when the game is launched. |
► |
SkipCacheWarming [float value in seconds] e.g., SkipCacheWarming 3.00 |
Set the number of seconds the game will wait for a warm cache. A higher value is more desirable than a lower value. A value that's too low could cause launch lag or errors. A value that's too high could have the game waiting unnecessarily for a cache that's prepared and on standby waiting for the game to access it. |
► |
SkipStartScreen |
After launching RCT3 this will result in the Main Menu GUI being skipped after which a 90 x 90 sandbox is immediately loaded. This sandbox comes with both the Guest Settings and Land Management and Status set at their default values, a mountain background, a temperate climate, with day & night enabled, and with all items invented and available (except animal show mix master activities) at the start. To return to the GUI Launch Screen select the icon to Quit To Main Menu. |
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Sky |
Enable or disable the sky. When disabled the sky lacks depth and appears as a single hazy pale blue colour (When enabling Clouds delete this entry or flag this entry at 1). |
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SmoothDuringAutoLevel |
When placing flat rides this flag will level the terrain in increments of 1m below the ride in addition to smoothing the terrain; terrain tile edges will be snapped to neighbouring tile edges to eliminate exposed cliff faces. AutoLevelTerrain must already be flagged at 1. Works whether or not AttractionSceneryAllowTerrainIntersect is flagged. |
► |
StaticBatchTriCutoff [tricount value] e.g., StaticBatchTriCutoff 80 |
► |
SupportsLOD [detail level value 0.0- [draw distance value 0.0- |
Set the LOD options for supports. |
► |
Swaying3DTrees |
Enable or disable swaying trees, whether in- |
► |
TakeAllPhotos |
Allow for all photos to be taken. |
► |
TakeCoasterPhotos |
Enable or disable roller coaster camera photos (TakeAllPhotos must be already flagged at 1). |
► |
TakeVistaPointPhotos |
Enable or disable photo spot photos (TakeAllPhotos must be already flagged at 1and GuestsHaveNoCameras needs to be deleted or flagged at 0). |
► |
TemperatureUnits [0 for Celsius, 1 for Fahrenheit] |
Select whether we want to use the Fahrenheit or Centigrade thermometer. |
► |
TrackEditBackwardsLikeRCT2 |
When building tracked rides in RCT3 the default direction of track building takes place in the same direction that the car travels as it leaves the station. With this entry flagged at "1," just like in RCT2 the track will start the track building backwards from the station. With or without this flag set we may edit/delete backwards or forwards from any selected point by using the cursor in construction mode to manually select either end of any track piece in any part of the track that we wish to edit. |
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TrackEditorMovesCamera |
Toggle camera movement during track editing. Our view of the game will move with each track section placed. |
► |
TrackForceCanStart |
Enables the testing of tracks at the time we want to test them, even tracks that could not ordinarily be tested without the use of this flag . |
► |
TrackedRideUpdateFrequency [value 0.0- value 0.0- |
Sets the update frequency of tracked rides. The higher the number the more stop- |
► |
TrackLOD [detail level value 0.0- [draw distance value 0.0- |
Set the LOD options for tracks. |
► |
Units [0 for Metric, 1 for Imperial, 2 for Systeme International d'Unites] |
Set the type of measurements used in the game. |
► |
VegetationLOD [detail level value 0.0- [draw distance value 0.0- |
Set the LOD options for vegetation. |
► |
WaterBumpEnable or WaterBumpEnableReflectEnable |
This flag is another way to disable realistic water reflections. When used instead of high quality water reflections, this generic reflectivity will ease the memory load on the game (To use, all other water body Reflect entries need to be deleted or flagged at 0). |
► |
WaterDroplets |
If enabled, when the POV ascends from a water body droplets of water can be seen trickling off the lens (Refraction must already be flagged at 1). |
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WaterFlowEnvMap |
Happy Flagging! |
Viewing Full-Sized Images On This Website |
Effective Park Design: The Best Start For Your Park, Page 2 |
Master Maps And Guest AI, Page 2 |
Guest Generation, Park Capacity, And Peep Factory, Page 2 |
Setting Up And Switching Your Park Entrance, Page 2 |
Theming Our Stalls & Facilities, Page 2 |
Our VIP Blue Book, Page 2 |
Our VIP Blue Book, Page 3 |
Our VIP Blue Book, Page 4: Spot The VIP's |
Volitionist's RCT3 Animal Care Guide, Page 2 |
Volitionist's RCT3 Animal Care Guide, Page 3 |
Volitionist's RCT3 Animal Care Guide, Page 4 |
How To Unlock All Campaign Scenarios, Page 2 |
The Care And Feeding of Custom Downloads, Page 2 |
The Care And Feeding of Custom Downloads, Page 3 |
The Care And Feeding of Custom Downloads, Page 4 |
RCT3 Cheats & Unlockables, Page 2 |
Options.txt Flags, Page 2 |
Options.txt Flags, Page 3 |
RCT3 Keyboard & Mouse Controls: Advanced |
RCT3 Keyboard & Mouse Controls: Freelook |
RCT3 Keyboard & Mouse Controls: Isometric |
RCT3 Keyboard & Mouse Controls: Normal |
Guests Departing The Station But Not Returning |
Guests Knocked Over |
People Spilling Down Stairs |
Lost Staff |
ReAppearing Invisible Vendors |
Park File Thumbnails |
RCT3 Freezes |
Earthquakes and Plumbing |
The Importer |
SketchUp |
Reviewing RCT3’s History, Page 2 |
Chris Sawyer, Page 2 |
Showcase!: Fall 2020, TNS Pool Paths & TNS Pool Terrain, Page 2 |
Showcase!: Fall 2020, TNS Pool Paths & TNS Pool Terrain, Page 3 |
Showcase!: Fall 2020, TNS Pool Paths & TNS Pool Terrain, Page 4 |
Showcase: Spring 2019 - DasMatze's Fences & Railings, Page 2 |
Showcase: Spring 2019 - DasMatze's Fences & Railings, Page 3 |
Showcase: Spring 2019 - DasMatze's Fences & Railings, Page 4 |
Showcase: Fall 2018 - L-33/Lee, Page 2 |
Showcase: Fall 2018 - L-33/Lee, Page 3 |
Showcase: Fall 2018 - L-33/Lee, Page 4 |
Showcase: Spring 2018 - Spez Mies Wall Set, Page 2 |
Showcase: Winter 2017 - Mr. Sion's Tiki Bar, Page 2 |
Showcase: Fall 2017 - Polynesian Panic, Page 2 |
Hall of Fame: Belgabor's Invisible Doodads |
Hall of Fame: Spice's Invisible Pool CS |
Hall of Fame: GTT's Hedge Maze |
Hall of Fame: GTT's Glas Labyrinth |
Hall of Fame: Joey's Park CleanUp |
Hall of Fame: GTT's Hedge Maze, Page 2 |
My Adventures In SketchUp |
CSO's I Have Imported |
TexMod Customized Add-Ins |
My Parks |
Videos |
Screenshots |
Advertisement Land |
Intrepid: A Revolution In Design |
Structure And Ride Supports Set |
CSO Study: GTT’s Hedge Maze |
Wonderland Themed Playing Card Railings |
Architectural Chess |
Mini Chess |
Planters 'n' Fountains Set |
Intrepid: A Revolution In Design, Page 2 |
Intrepid: A Revolution In Design, Page 3 |
Intrepid: A Revolution In Design, Page 4 |
Structure And Ride Supports Set, Page 2 |
Café, Update 1 |
Path Add-Ons, Update 1 |
Planters And Pool Fencing, Page 2 |
Landscaping And Park Grounds, Page 2 |
Walls, Tunnels, And Fences, Page 2 |
Decking, Stairs, And Balustrades Set, Page 2 |
Decking, Stairs, And Balustrades Set, Page 3 |
CFR & CTR CSO's, Page 2 |
CFR & CTR CSO's, Page 3 |
CFR & CTR CSO's, Update 1, Page 1 |
CFR & CTR CSO's, Update 1, Page 2 |
TexMod Tutorial |
My TexMod Skies |
TexMod MakeOvers For My Park |
TexMod MakeOvers For My Park, Page 2 |
Vanguard West |
Vanguard West: Financial Report |
Hillside On The Lake |
Hillside On The Lake: Financial Summary |
A Woodland Clearing |
Vanguard West, Page 2 |
Vanguard West, Page 3 |
Vanguard West, Page 4 |
Vanguard West, Page 5 |
Vanguard West, Page 6 |
Vanguard West: Financial Report, Page 2 |
Vanguard West: Financial Report, Page 3 |
Hillside On The Lake, Page 2 |
Hillside On The Lake, Page 3 |
Hillside On The Lake, Page 4 |
Hillside On The Lake, Page 5 |
Hillside On The Lake, Page 6 |
Hillside On The Lake: Financial Summary, Page 2 |
Hillside On The Lake: Financial Summary, Page 3 |
Hillside On The Lake: Financial Summary, Page 4 |
Hillside On The Lake: Financial Summary, Page 5 |
A Woodland Clearing, Page 2 |
Screenshots, Page 2 |
Screenshots, Page 3 |
Screenshots, Page 4 |
Screenshots, Page 5 |
Advertisement Land, Page 2 |
Collaborations - Custom Content |
Collaborations - Parks |
L-33's POE Building 4 Set |
RCT2 Wonderland Themed CSO's |
The Crüe |
L-33's POE Building 4 Set, Page 2 |
RCT2 Wonderland Themed CSO's, Page 2 |
POE Building 4 Set Presentation Park |
POE Building 4 Set Presentation Park, Page 2 |
POE Building 4 Set Presentation Park, Page 3 |
POE Building 4 Set Presentation Park, Page 4 |
POE Building 4 Set Presentation Park, Page 5 |
How To Use Park CleanUp, Page 2 |
How To Use Park CleanUp, Page 3 |
Park Admission, Ride Pricing, And EI&N, Page 2 |
Maximizing Your Small Park's Real Estate, Page 2 |
Park Shuttle Configurations, Page 2 |
Elevated Coaster Stations And Access Options, Page 2 |
Suspended Pools And Guest Access Options, Page 2 |
Terrain Painting - Artistry In Landscaping, Page 2 |
Terrain Painting - Artistry In Landscaping, Page 3 |
How To Build A Great Park, Page 2 |
Optimize Your System And Enhance Your Gaming Experience, Page 2 |
Custom Scenery |
TexMod ReTexture Packs |
Miscellaneous |
Parks, Scenarios, & Sandboxes |
Coasters, Rides, & Attractions |
Structure And Ride Supports - Original Concrete |
Structure And Ride Supports - Hewn Brick |
RCT2 Wonderland Themed Set |
RCT2 Revival Crüe Chess |
FTA's Invisible Stall With Invisible Vendor |
RCT3 Launch Screen Slideshow Template |
Dark Ride Enclosure Toppers |
Options.txt Flags |
Options.txt Flags, Page 3 |
Effective Park Design: The Best Start For Your Park, Page 2 |
Master Maps And Guest AI, Page 2 |
Guest Generation, Park Capacity, And Peep Factory, Page 2 |
Setting Up And Switching Your Park Entrance, Page 2 |
Theming Our Stalls & Facilities, Page 2 |
Our VIP Blue Book, Page 2 |
Our VIP Blue Book, Page 3 |
Our VIP Blue Book, Page 4: Spot The VIP's |
Volitionist's RCT3 Animal Care Guide, Page 2 |
Volitionist's RCT3 Animal Care Guide, Page 3 |
Volitionist's RCT3 Animal Care Guide, Page 4 |
How To Unlock All Campaign Scenarios, Page 2 |
The Care And Feeding of Custom Downloads, Page 2 |
The Care And Feeding of Custom Downloads, Page 3 |
The Care And Feeding of Custom Downloads, Page 4 |
RCT3 Cheats & Unlockables, Page 2 |
Options.txt Flags, Page 2 |
Options.txt Flags, Page 3 |
RCT3 Keyboard & Mouse Controls: Advanced |
RCT3 Keyboard & Mouse Controls: Freelook |
RCT3 Keyboard & Mouse Controls: Isometric |
RCT3 Keyboard & Mouse Controls: Normal |
Guests Departing The Station But Not Returning |
Guests Knocked Over |
People Spilling Down Stairs |
Lost Staff |
ReAppearing Invisible Vendors |
Park File Thumbnails |
RCT3 Freezes |
Earthquakes and Plumbing |
The Importer |
SketchUp |
Reviewing RCT3’s History, Page 2 |
Chris Sawyer, Page 2 |
Options.txt Flags, Page 2 |
Options.txt Flags, Page 3 |